Jornada Setters
Breeder of Llewellin Setters

"I enjoy looking at a beautiful dog and would not be happy owning an unattractive looking one."

Almost all gun dog “breeders” are hobbyist or individuals mating their personal hunting dogs, picking up a little cash from the sale of puppies. But not us- we work 24/7 to produce an outstanding setter.

These are 100% Dashing Bondhu's linkage directly to the William Humphrey kennel in Wales. Registered with the American Field since 1902.

"I enjoy looking at a beautiful dog and would not be happy owning an unattractive looking one."
Llewellin Setter
Puppies for sale
It is the offspring of the sire and dam that measures the success of any mating. Although feedback from hunting clients with our dogs, evaluating work in the field is important, our own evaluations are the most critical. We have and continue to keep puppies from every mating, developing them on game birds until they reach one year of age, then sold as started dogs or in some cases, held for future breeding. We evaluate them for their natural abilities. Training is man-made and not inherited. So, our started dog program is very important to the success of our breeding program.